Title: Synthesis of a new class of metallocene-antifungal agents against resistant fungi
To be filled in October-November 2023
Required profile
We are looking for a curious and highly motivated candidate to synthesize the organometallic-containing triazoles targeted in this project. He/she will have to possess a solid knowledge in organic chemistry (theoretical and experimental) and in various analytical/purification techniques (NMR, UPLC-Ms, Flash chromatography…). Experience in organometallic sandwich compounds and in medicinal chemistry (molecular modelling and SAR studies) is an asset. The candidate must have a master’s degree (or equivalent) in chemistry.
Establishment and laboratory
IICiMed-UR1155 - Nantes Université
Institut de Recherche en Santé 2 - Département de Chimie Thérapeutique 22 Boulevard Bénoni Goullin, 44200 Nantes, France
Application procedure
All required documents are listed below:
CV and cover letter
All degree certificates
Two letters of recommendation, preferably from the director of the Master program and the supervisor of the candidate’s research project
Deadline for application before 15th September 2023
Financial support
French National Research Agency (ANR) collaborative project “OTARI” (Organometallic-Containing Triazoles Against Resistant FungI) coordinated by Dr. Kévin Cariou (Chimie ParisTech)
Dr. Cédric Logé - cedric.loge@univ-nantes.fr (PhD supervisor)
Prof. Pascal Marchand - pascal.marchand@univ-nantes.fr (deputy director of IICiMed - UR1155)
For more information on the project please read the pdf enclosed.